Monday (Plant Haul) Funday!

Monday (Plant Haul) Funday!

Many people dread Mondays. I, on the other hand, LOVE IT - and Monday happens to be my favorite day of the week! Usually, I begin my Monday mornings with an early breakfast with Rafael; a scenic drive down highway 1 where we allow the salty sea air to soothe our souls. A treat after a long week of Heavenlynest.

It was a great day! In a state of utter remiss, we made a spontaneous trip to our plant supplier while in the area. I could shop plants for HOURS, it's more than just picking up plants to sell, rather for me it is a deliberate process... I examine plants carefully and closely as if I were choosing one for myself: perfect with a hint of quirky! (did you know plants have personality too?!) As I said, I can spend hours browsing among plants of all kinds with YOU plant mamas and daddies in mind! But above all else though, my main mission is to keep that Heavenlynest spark alive - never diminishing the EXCITEMENT of plant shopping in our store, or the JOY to ever cease.

Scroll to take a trip to the nursery with me!

with love,

Annaliza & Rafael


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